Management and Managing


Even the most powerful managers should confer with their team over the possible solutions to deal with problems.


It is not as easy as it sounds to take a precautionary position to avoid an impending danger or to take advantage of a given opportunity. The unwillingness to cooperate of those who think they will be disturbed by possible changes, those who do not fully believe in their manager, or those who resist just because they feel like it or they are in a bad mood might lead even the most determined managers to failure. The trick here is to set reasonable tasks and deadlines, engage in an exchange of opinions with the team to help shorten the time for finding an effective solution, and most importantly find a common ground with people or departments with whom you don’t quite agree on the way how to deal with problems. A good manager should fulfil this sensitive process without losing any quality human capital and always remember that they must satisfy people’s needs, not their passions or caprices.


That’s why change has always been difficult to accept for most organisations. It is not an easy task to implement changes in an organisation that somewhat functions most of the time. Those who come to the rescue of a bankrupt company are often considered luckier than the staff and managers working for that company. Because everyone surrender themselves to “saviours” and does not object much. Prior to attempting to improve or change existing functions, new functions, which did not exist before but will potentially be useful in the future, should be established. And these new functions should be centrally managed before being affiliated to existing departments. Even in the financial sector, new structures created in accordance with the mandatory provisions of the applicable laws go through a long adaptation period. Therefore, managers should be very careful and sensitive when introducing changes in an organisation.


“Planning, Timing, Budgeting…”


The duration, budget and the goal of each new attempt should be clearly determined by the managers at least, and preferably shared with the staff in a transparent manner, which will help employees see that managers have a plan, they will not remake the past mistakes, and they intend to reward success. If most of the employees do not embrace the organisation’s goals and missions, the chances of success will not be very high.


In conclusion, it critical to ask for your internal stakeholders’ opinion, even when moving them to a new building. Some might call it “political”, but that doesn’t mean it’s a positive attitude. In politics, leaders often fight to preserve the status quo, not to bring any changes. A manager who knows which aspects need rigorous addressing and which ones need to be left on their own so they can develop better is like a brave captain who steers their ship to safety in stormy seas. Well, it is easier to do it when there are no passengers and crew on the board, but since most of us do not have such a luxury, we have to face the challenging processes.


New is always good, but you should not attempt to change things just for the sake of it. Never change the winning tactic.

