Tomorrow's Affairs
Central Banks and Regulatory Authorities take certain steps within the framework of laws and regulations to achieve balanced economic growth while maintaining financial stability. These steps are, by their nature, not simple and clear-cut. It would be better if they were, but I have never seen a clear explanation that a regular citizen could easily understand.
30 Eylül 2024 PazartesiRecently, there was an international brand meeting in Istanbul focused on sustainability. Within a week, I had the opportunity to speak at a second international conference. I realized that when it comes to sustainability, people are often not fully aware of the topic. For example, a friend who saw me in the lobby of the hotel where the conference was held asked, “You’re attending that environment-related meeting, right?” This alone showed me that we have a long way to go.
30 Eylül 2024 PazartesiWhile you read these lines, I am most likely delivering the opening speech for the international conference themed “Technology, Development, and Sustainability,” hosted by Topkapi University. Together with dozens of academics we have invited from MENA, namely the Middle East and North Africa countries, we will seek solutions to the region's problems.
30 Eylül 2024 PazartesiFor some countries, 2024 is a year of growth, for others, it is about rehabilitation, and for some, it is turning out to be a "lost year". The experience of combating inflation with high interest rates has generally been unsuccessful, yet the high interest environment has put growth rates at risk.
30 Eylül 2024 PazartesiIn last week’s article, I wrote about the main culprit of inflation. Now, I will discuss how it can be reduced. First, it’s beneficial to create a nice introduction. Perhaps the most striking statement in the fight against inflation came from Russian President Putin. He seems to have addressed the issue of „coordination among economic actors,“ which I have been repeating for a long time.
30 Eylül 2024 PazartesiFamous economist Milton Friedman has a quote that stays in all our minds. It can be summarized as follows: „The cause of inflation is not consumers, producers, imports, energy, etc., but excessive government spending and the excessive money creation by governments.“
30 Eylül 2024 PazartesiWith the start of football leagues immediately after the Olympics, the agenda has changed again, of course. However, I can say that football, which spends a lot of money but never changes its bad luck, will not make everybody happy in the 2024-2025 season. The reason is clear: Not knowing the Football Economy.
30 Eylül 2024 PazartesiThe news coming from the United States and Japan suddenly caused adverse winds to blow in the markets. However, I would like to underline that there is a missing point in the comments and evaluations about the difficulties faced by the US Economy. At the moment, we don't have much evidence or arguments to discuss a recession.
30 Eylül 2024 PazartesiIt really makes me sad to see valuable people always struggle with their own financial demons when they are supposed to be creating high added value. The truth is that people who constantly worry about their savings are not destined to accomplish extraordinary things in life.
30 Eylül 2024 PazartesiThe most common method that central banks use to fight inflation is "hiking interest rate and shot down the flow of money". However, this method is just like slowing down the bodily functions of a surgery patient. In other words, it is nothing but an anaesthetic given before surgery to put the patient to sleep.
30 Eylül 2024 PazartesiAssassinating presidents is not an unusual thing in the US history. To this day, a total of eight presidents have been assassinated. The 1865 Lincoln and 1963 Kennedy assassinations are mostly remembered, but two other Presidents were the victims of an assassination as well.
22 Temmuz 2024 PazartesiInformal economy, which is kept breathing by cash, is spending its final days. However, reckless money printing by the Central Banks give informal economy the kiss of life to survive while allowing proceeds of crime to grow further and further.
18 Temmuz 2024 PerşembeRecently, I find myself giving the same answer to a certain question about economy. “What do you think is the most important problem facing the economy today?” Obviously, moral degradation!
18 Temmuz 2024 PerşembeRecently, I had the opportunity to meet with a group of experienced journalists and experts specialising in international relations, political science, and economics to discuss the world affairs. As the hours-long exchange of ideas was about to end, we came to realise that there is not much to be hopeful for the future.
18 Temmuz 2024 PerşembeWorld’s largest oil, pharmaceutical, aerospace & defence and automotive companies dominated the last century, including the early 2000s. Nearly 20 years ago, however, their dominance has started to crumble with the emergence of digital technology companies and the ones that are integrating with this technology.
18 Temmuz 2024 Perşembe