Tomorrow's Affairs
Dear readers, economists do not have the power to intervene in or ward off the risks that the country or the region they live in are facing, let alone the global risks. We are simple people. We offer solutions, but we do not have the power to execute them. Today, there are many problems in the world that need urgent solutions. These problems include inflation, supply chain challenges, wars, conflicts and diplomatic crises. And there are many more to come.
1 Temmuz 2024 PazartesiThe COVID-19 pandemic has caused us all to take a different look at our business methods at personal, corporate, national, and global level. On the one hand, there are baby boomers who say, “All you need to do is to know one thing very well, instead of know some things about everything.,” and on the other, there is Gen X and Y, understanding that boomers’ concept is doomed to fail, so trying to develop different sets of skills.
1 Temmuz 2024 PazartesiIn the past, presentation and taste were seen as two distinct notions. Today, people who offer good taste garnished with appealing presentation are the ones who have created a brand for themselves. However, when presentation turns into some sort of show and leads to lack of taste, the results tend to be unsatisfactory.
1 Temmuz 2024 PazartesiThe principle of effective demand below basically tells us why inflation will not fall to single digits in many developing countries. Y = C + I + G + (X-M) Effective demand, which indicates the value of total output, that is the national income, have two determinants: investment expenditures, consumption and foreign income.
1 Temmuz 2024 PazartesiSometimes knowing what not to do rather than trying to find out "what to do" makes a remedy stronger. Since fuelling the economy, on the grounds of the public’s rightful reproach of "we consume more than we produce", would make inflation even worse, the Government needs to take more precise steps to try to eliminate inflation.
1 Temmuz 2024 PazartesiToday, discount chain stores and national supermarket chains, having replaced small shops, greengrocers, butchers, sellers of dried nuts and fruits and even bakeries, have become the largest suppliers of food and beverage to households. Due to increasing demand, these retailers with hundreds of stores around the world are the "price setters" of the food retail industry.
1 Temmuz 2024 PazartesiIt was the 1970’s. People would swim on Yeniköy’s coast in Istanbul, relax by the clear blue waters of the Marmara Sea. I remember I was 4 or 5 years old, together with my parents by the seaside. Everyone was jumping into the sea from the pier, so I wanted to jump too. My mother said, "Jump then". So, I jumped but I started to struggle in the water since I didn’t know how to swim.
1 Temmuz 2024 Pazartesi"Correct analysis requires correct information." Countless times I have said this fact in this column. To people who think that things happen for no reason, countless times I asked, “Are you not cross-checking your data and the available facts?” You are always welcome to read my many articles and analyses stating that wars do not suddenly pop up, and the fact that global military spending has been increasing steadily every year was not a good sign.
1 Temmuz 2024 PazartesiFirst of all, let me say that Iran does not possess a genuinely effective army. Diplomacy is the most important weapon that Iran has been using so far. In the region, there is also the presence of Iranian government organisation SAVAK (Organization of National Security and Information), which is as effective as MOSSAD.
1 Temmuz 2024 PazartesiI guess we have to stop asking, "Why don't you go into politics?" to every person we subjectively see ‘fit’ to serve as a politician. Politics is neither a social vocation and service that anyone can do nor, as the well-intentioned think, a super formula that will instantly put a country on a good footing when implemented by well-educated people.
1 Temmuz 2024 PazartesiI guess we have to stop asking, "Why don't you go into politics?" to every person we subjectively see ‘fit’ to serve as a politician. Politics is neither a social vocation and service that anyone can do nor, as the well-intentioned think, a super formula that will instantly put a country on a good footing when implemented by well-educated people.
1 Temmuz 2024 PazartesiThis is a theory that I quite dislike but it is one of the most embraced theories by most people in the world. - There will definitely be a war. - Why? - Because no government is able to repay this much debt. This is a straightforward fact - that Indebtedness rates had reached a peak in many countries before the Second World War. The fact that a war broke out right after the Great Depression of 1929 may seem inevitable. In fact, in retrospect, everything seems rational.
18 Temmuz 2024 PerşembeCitizens of many countries tend to rely on conventional investments such as buying foreign currency or gold so that their savings do not depreciate in the long term. This situation is partly due to lack of financial literacy and partly due to the idea suggesting that "rule number one is do not change the winning tactic". But is investing in foreign currency actually the winning tactic?
18 Temmuz 2024 PerşembePreserving the value of their currencies is a big obsession of developing countries. Thinking that “strong countries have to have strong currencies”, they tend to do things in reverse, which leads them to make one mistake after another.
18 Temmuz 2024 PerşembeI have around half a million followers and I follow thousands of people on social media. I follow my friends, colleagues as well as analysts and experts I have never met, either from Turkey or different parts of the world. Most of the people I follow happen to be analysts, enabling me to monitor what is happening in the markets as accurately as possible. Cryptocurrencies, debt securities, commodities and stocks… In their own style, they analyse in detail each movement in the markets.
18 Temmuz 2024 Perşembe