Current Articles

Trump vs. Fed

Since Wednesday morning, almost all television channels have been racing each other to find out what the Fed will decide to do about interest rates. Encouraged by Trump’s harsh statements,

Exciting week ahead…

Turkey’s October Industrial Production and September Labour Force Data are to be released today, which will clearly show us whether the significant decline in third quarter will cause or not

Paris in trouble, then EU is in trouble

Turkey is getting ready for cross-border operations once again. However, the exact target still remains unknown. In my previous reports, I told you about the possibility that Turkey may face

GDP growth rate analysis-final

I’m going to talk about the growth rates for the last time and end this discussion once and for all. It can be seen that manufacturing industry and investments are

What does growth data tell us?

I admit that the title seems quite intriguing but I’m going to be straight with you. GDP growth data tells us that we should be smarter. To tell you the
