Current Articles

Strange movements in exchange rates…

Market movements lately appear to be quite interesting indeed. Recent exchange rate movements which I think can be called “one step forward two steps back” have turned into something like

What will Turkish Central Bank do now?

Inflation rates released on Monday were quite interesting in many respects. Inflation figures, which would normally turn out to be negative in summer, appeared as negative in November maybe for

Economy is a science of altervatives…

“Economy is the right allocation of scarce resources in order to gain maximum profit”. So, our choices and preferences either make us prosperous or get us into trouble. That’s what

2019 will be hard…

People have showed great interest in panel we held at AU’s Gayrettepe Campus on Wednesday evening. It was a lovely task for me to moderate this panel with Mahfi Eğilmez

Truth is bitter and it hurts…

There are two types of experts in Turkey. According to the first group, nothing seems to be going right in Turkey. According to the second group, on the other hand,

What awaits us in 2019?

As a new week begins, in order to give to those, who are already focused on the next year’s circumstances, what they crave for, I decided to write down a
