Current Articles

Feeling diplomatic heat.

On the first anniversary of Turkey’s Afrin operation, I’d like to share with you the information I got, consulting with foreign policy and economics. Turkey currently faces three major problems

Chasing after unknown sources

The first half of January, especially this week, comes to an end with some pretty pulsating events. As you may remember, by this time last year, it was predicted that

CBRT skips the hike

Yesterday was an important day in many respects. An explosion in Manbij supposedly killing U.S. service members has made to the top of global agenda even before the world finds

Better late than never…

The second part of series I shared with you yesterday continues on Monday. But, on this last day of trading week, I think it would be better to talk about

Revisiting the Export Vision… (Part I)

As we know, two key visions, namely 2023 and 2071 visions have been created in Turkey over the past few years. Today, Turkey is trying to present a solid record,
